Friday, July 1, 2011

How to be "in" with the "in crowd"

Dig these hoop skirts--it inspires me to look for a lamp shade in a size 8 and add some embellishments!

These goggles are in the style of steampunk, from the Victorian science fiction genre of Jules Vern and the like.

The pants below are a Japanese design. They will be perfect for the Playa--I think the dust will make them look that much better!

So here's the link for this crazy post!

I used to worry when my kids dressed like this! Ah, the circle of life!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

What to Bring to Burning Man

Okay, I'm online. I'm checking out all the Burning Man links: how to prepare, what to expect, everything!

So I'm going to post all my findings here. However, I'm not that familiar with Blogger--it's a work in progress!

Here's my "Judy Jetson" wig--I'll have to tease out and spray the bangs to get that flipped out look. I'm a little worried how a wig is going to feel in 100 degree weather--maybe save it for night time!

So here's a couple of things I've come across so far: LED everything: furry boots, goggles, wigs, umbrellas, shade structures: it goes on!

Look for pictures and links here!